2016 A Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2014 Tapestry Retrospective, West Tisbury Library, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2012 Shaw Cramer Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2011 Shaw Cramer Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2009 Waverly Street Gallery, Bethesda, MD
2006 Belushi/Pisano Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2004 Etherington Fine Art, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2003 Etherington Fine Art, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2001 Etherington Fine Art, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1995 Shaw Cramer Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1987 “On the Vineyard” Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1984, 1983, 1982 Textiles by Design, Berkeley, CA
1983 Tisbury Exchange, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1982 Berkeley Repertory Theater, Berkeley, CA
1980, 1979, 1978 Artworkers’ Guild Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1980 Pratt Gallery, Amherst, MA
2020 American Tapestry Biennial 13, San Jose CA and traveling
2020 Fiber 2020, Silvermine Galleries, New Canaan, CT
2018-2020 NOA Gallery, Groton, MA
2016 American Tapestry Biennial 11, South Bend, Indiana and traveling
2016 Featherstone Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA (also curated by J.Mitchell)
2015 A Gallery, Oak Bluffs, MA
2015 Hunterdon Art Museum, Clinton, NJ
2014 The Art is the Cloth, NH Institute of Art, Manchester, NH
2014 Tapestry Weavers in New England, URI, Providence, RI
2013 Imagine Gallery, Northampton, MA
2011 Featherstone Center for the Arts, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2010 Shaw Cramer Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2010 Washington Craft Show, Washington, DC
2010 Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show, Philadelphia, PA
2010 American Tapestry Biennial 8, Lincoln, NE and Lowell, MA
2008 American Tapestry Biennial 7, Tampa, FL and traveling
2008 Art in Action: What it Takes, Featherstone Center for the Arts, Martha’s
Vineyard, MA
2007 Fuller Craft Museum Members’ Exhibition, Brockton, MA
2001 Hanging by a Thread, Sharon Arts Center, Peterboro, NH
2001 Moments in Tapestry, Fine Line Creative Arts Center, St. Charles, IL
2000 American Tapestry Biennial III, American Tapestry Alliance,
Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights, KY
1998 Threadscapes: Interpretations of the American Landscape in Fiber,
Atlanta, GA
1997 Connecting Threads, Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, MA
1997 TWINE Exhibition, Portsmouth, NH
1996–1997 American Tapestry Biennial I, travelling
1995 A Taste of Tapestry, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
1994 National Tapestry Invitational Exhibit, Ohio State University, Lima, OH
1993 New Threads: Contemporary Tapestry in New England,
DeCordova Museum, Lincoln, MA
1993 National Tapestry Invitational, NAU Art Gallery, Flagstaff, AZ
1992 Gallery North, Setauket, NY
1991 Island Artists’ Show, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1990 American Tapestry Today, Syntex Corp. Palo Alto, CA
1990 “On the Vineyard” Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
1989 American Tapsestry Since 1930 and its European Roots,
University of Maryland, College Park,
1989 Creative Collaborations/Artist-Architect, Cambridge Art Association,
Cambridge, MA
1988 Tapestry Bouquet, Scheuer Tapestry Gallery, New York, NY
1988 Images in Contemporary Tapestry ’88, NAU Art Gallery, Flagstaff AZ
1988 Regional New England Artists’ Federal Reserve Show, Boston, MA
1985 Panorama of Tapestry, American Tapestry Alliance, Toronto, Canada
1984 Curtis Gallery, New Canaan, CT
1983 San Francisco Craft and Folk Art Museum, San Francisco, CA
1983 Glastonbury Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1981 Vorpal Gallery, San Francisco, CA
1981 Textiles by Design, Berkeley, CA
1975 Artworkers’ Guild Gallery, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
“Contemporary International Tapestry”, Carol K. Russell, Schiffer Books Pub. 2015
“Excellence in Fibers”, Fiber Art Now magazine, Winter 2015-2016
“The Art is the Cloth, a Series of Reflections”, NH Institute of Art, pub. 2014
“Dream Weaver”, Vineyard Gazette, August 13, 2011
“Where They Work: Artists’ Studios”, Martha’s Vineyard Times, August 2010
“A Living Tapestry”, Cape Cod Home, Summer 2010
“Textures and Tapestries of Julia Mitchell”, Vineyard Style Magazine, Summer 2009
“The Tapestry Handbook, the Next Generation”, Carol K Russell, Lark Books Pub. 2007
“Julia Mitchell”, Cape Cod Life Magazine, Summer/Fall 2006
“Garden Tapestry,” Cape Cod Life, June 1999
“Weaving Illusions with Wool and Silk,” Planet Vineyard, Winter 1997
“Dream Weaver,” Cape Cod Life, January 1997
“Woven Images,” Traditional Home, August 1991
“Tapestry, the Art of Julia Mitchell,” On Island, Summer 1990
“The Tapestry Handbook”, Carol Russell, Lark Books, Pub. 1990
“Tapestry, the Art, of Julia Mitchell,” Martha’s Vineyard Times, October 19, 1989
“Scene Weaver,” Bostonia, March/April 1989
“Julia Mitchell Weaves the Landscape of the Vineyard Into her Tapestries,” Vineyard Gazette, August 7, 1987
“Weaver Julia Mitchell Spins Beautiful Flowers,” Martha’s Vineyard Times, September 25, 1986
“Contemporary Tapestry, a Panoramic View,” Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot, Spring 1986
“Weaving Vineyard Views,” Cape Cod Life, Fall 1985
“Julia Mitchell Weaves Bright Tapestries of Many Colors,” Vineyard Gazette, August 24, 1984
“Swatches,” Fiberarts, July/August 1984
“Julia Mitchell: On Martha’s Vineyard,” Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot, 1984
“Julia Mitchell: Landscape Tapestries,” Fiberarts, November/December 1983
“Portfolio,” Goodfellow Review of Crafts, June/July 1983
“Pictorial Tapestry, a Portfolio of Contemporary Work,” Fiberarts, May/June 1983
San Francisco Tapestry Workshop, San Francisco, CA
Fiberworks, Berkeley, CA
California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA
Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH
A Gallery, Oak Bluffs, MA
American Tapestry Alliance, San Jose, CA
TWINE (Tapestry Weavers in New England), Northampton, MA
American Craft Council, New York, NY
Friends of Fiber Art International, Western Springs, IL
The Stanley Works, New Britain, CT
Reliance Standard Life Insurance Co., Philadelphia, PA
TRW Inc., Cleveland, OH
McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, NY
Meredith Baxter, Beverly Hills, CA
Mark Reisman, NY
Davis and Betsy Weinstock, NY
Frank and Dale Loy, Washington DC
Jennifer Allan Soros, NY
Wendy Gimbel and Douglas Liebhafski, NY
Carly Simon, New York, NY
Al Pacino, New York, NY
Gary and Cary Hart, Sacramento, CA
Dr. Bobbe Christensen, Houston, TX
Steven Burtchaell, Seattle, WA
Silvia Green, England
Rose Styron, CT
Sarah Katz, New York, NY
Robert and Peggy Schwier, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
Stanley and Linda Panitz, Baltimore, MD
Laura Pels, New York, N
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Cage, Rockville, MD
Jane Janson, Silver City, NM
Mr. and Mrs. James Kent, Berkeley, CA
Danzey Treanor, Santa Ynez, CA
John Bitzer, Pittsburgh, PA
